Medical Treatment Decisions – Statutes/Regulations
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- G.L. c. 18B, § 23 (Children Receiving Inpatient Psychiatric Services)
- G.L. c.112, §§ 12E & 12F (treatment of minors)
- G.L. c.119, Care and Protection of Children (excerpts)
- G.L. c. 190B, § 5-306A (Guardianship of Minors)
- G.L. c. 123, Mental Health (excerpts) ???
- G.L. c. 190B, § 5-306A (Uniform Probate Code) (eff. 7/1/09)
- DCF Regulations
- DCF Policy # 2007-01 Forgoing or Discontinuing Life – Sustaining Medical Treatment