Finding Experts

For assistance in locating experts and specialists in various forensic disciplines, please call or email Forensic Services at 617-910-5764 or (send email). We maintain information on experts already approved as CPCS vendors, new experts who have not yet worked on a CPCS case, and can help you find an expert that meets the forensic litigation needs of your client’s case. Please note: this expert information is not currently viewable on this website.

magnifying glass

Evaluating Forensic Evidence

Forensic Services maintains a library of resources, including:

  • Research and news articles
  • Transcripts of expert testimony
  • Curricula vitae of experts
  • Protocols and Standards of Practice

For assistance researching a forensic or scientific field, testing method, or particular expert, please call or email Forensic Services at 617-910-5764 or (send email).

Additional links for evaluating forensic evidence can be found below.  Some links are maintained by CPCS but most connect to outside sources.

Other professional resources at CPCS:


The “NAS Report” from the National Academy of Sciences, “Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward” was published in August 2009. This has been heralded as a groundbreaking report and a watershed moment in the forensic sciences. A must read! is an invaluable tool for public defenders throughout the country. 


Accident Reconstruction

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) NHTSA has a wealth of information on traffic safety issues. It includes easy access to research on accident reconstruction, car and road safety issues, alcohol and drug- impaired driving, the fatigued driver, and much more.

Research Start http://www.acci…

Skid Mark Calculator http://www.harr… This site also has a library of all the articles and tools mentioned on the web site at http://www.harr…

TARO: The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin Reference Library- maintained by TARO: TARO is a Technical Journal that contains articles of a technical nature that report on the evolving state of traffic accident reconstruction. http://www.taro…

National Academy of Forensic Engineers re:police as experts. There are also several publications on this site that may prove extremely useful, however they are only available at cost

ACTAR- the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction NHTSA Commission that develops training criteria and standardization for accident reconstructionists.

ASSE-The American Society of Safety Engineers – applicable to several fields, but includes several publications and manuals on AR and accident prevention.


Arson Investigation

Accidental Fire Or Arson This web page deals with a method for the analysis of volatile organic compounds in solid or liquid materials. It comprises techniques for screening for such substances, as well as their identification and quantification: What agent caused the intoxication death? Was it an accidental fire or arson that killed him? http://www.tcfo…docs/article3.html

Basic Arson Investigation primer. http://www.tcfo…au/docs/index.html

The Boston Sparks Association, Inc. (BSA) is a fire buff club founded on January 11, 1938 in an old loft building in Bowdoin Square, downtown Boston. The membership of the BSA is made up of people from many walks of life who share a common interest in the fire service.

Boston Fire Historical Society: chronicles the legacy of the Boston Fire Department during its many years of existence. In this website, you will find many interesting articles, photographs, lists, and historical data.

Boston Fire Codes & Fire Logs – compiled by an “unofficial historian of the Boston Fire Department,” the site includes links for past and present Boston Fire Dept. Codes and Ignition Factor Codes

Truth in Justice: Arson -Cognitive Bias in Arson Investigation, Wrongful Conviction Case Studies, Arson Myths, Fire Investigator FAQs, and more. From the McShane law firm forensic pages. – Arson_Defense_Resources

Dead or Alive? The key questions to be resolved are: Was the victim alive or dead at the time the fire started? Is the cause of death fire related? If so, is the cause of death smoke inhalation, burns, or heat shock? If not, what is the cause o: f death? See this for a discussion of these issues. http://www.dund…cine/llb/fires.htm

Fire and Arson Scene Evidence Guide : From the National Institute of Justice, a handbook intended as a guide to recommended practices for the collection and preservation of evidence at fire/arson scenes.

Fire Logs: Boston and the ‘burbs which seems to have some info on both (although not as much info as the other sites). http://www.ange…a4/emba/index.html

Fire Logs: Massport and 35 Communities around Boston other info:

How can you tell if a fire was caused by arson? This article talks about how innocent fires can be mistaken for arson and more. http://www.atsl…om/fire/index.html

NFPA: The leading source of fire prevention: National Fire Protection Agency: White Paper begins: Problem: There is a lack of scientific foundation for many methods used to identify the area of origin and the cause of fires.

Online Training. Includes videos on: Module 1: Evidence Collection• How do electrical wiring faults lead to structure ignitions? • The Preliminary Scene Assessment: A Checklist • NFPA’s – White paper on post-fire analysis • NIST- Simulation of the Dynamics of a Fire in a Two-Story Duplex

SWGFEX Scientific/Technical Working Group for Fire and Explosions Analysis – has several references and guides, (some SWG materials may be somewhat dated)

Battered Person

Battered Women: The National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women, a nonprofit organization founded in 1987, is an excellent resource and advocacy center for battered women charged with crimes related to their battering.

Battered Women: What is Battered Woman’s Syndrome? http://www.divo…es/oregon/or_art02

Battered Women: The Battered Women’s Justice Project is a national resource center on the most promising practices of the civil and criminal justice systems in response to domestic violence.

Battered Women: Power and Control Wheel

Battered Women: Validity & Use of Evidence Concerning Battering and Its Effects in Criminal Trials. U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1996) This three-part report examines the use and admissibility of expert testimony on battering and its effects in criminal cases, particularly in cases involving battered women charged with crimes. Discusses the limitations of the concept of “Battered Women Syndrome” and describes why testimony on “battering and its effects” is generally preferred. http://www.ncjr…dffiles/batter.pdf

Battered Women: Critique of the “Battered Woman Syndrome” Model Explores the inadequacy of the term “battered woman syndrome” for describing battered women’s experiences. http://www.aaet…org/article138.htm

Battered Women: Shelters in Massachusetts contacts listed statewide for the client that needs it or for trying to find a complainant. http://www.mass…=761&DynamicID=469

Battered Women: The Battered Women’s Legal Assistance Project (BWLAP) is a legal aid program that helps economically disadvantaged victims and survivors of domestic violence build long term safety and security for themselves and their children. http://www.mass…ssistance-project2

Battered Men Statistics and information on violence against men

Domestic Violence and Men From the Mayo Clinic, a discussion on recognizing the signs of domestic violence on men.

Bite Marks

Forensic Dentistry

American Board of Forensic Odontology References useful to the forensic dental community includes guidelines, forensic links and finding an expert.

Testimony regarding a “possible” bite mark was excluded as was the testimony regarding the victim as being the “possible” biter. The opinion has a wonderful discussion of Daubert/Kumho as it relates to “novel applications” of established scientific techniques. The opinion is posted in PDF format on this website. http://www.stat…/coca/CriderBH.pdf

Bite Mark Evidence Wrongful convictions, criticisms of bite mark evidence

Convictions using bite mark evidence

Blood Spatter

Basic Tutorial Follow the links

Blood Spatter Slide Show Tutorial

Blood Spatter & Physics PowerPoint

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Simplified Guide PDF

Daubert Hearing: Topics to consider in preparation for admissibility hearing on bloodstain pattern analysis from SWGSTAIN, posted by the FBI here

IABPA International Association of Blood Pattern Analysts “Promoting education, establishing training standards and encouraging research in the field of bloodstain pattern analysis” and their journal:

Research Site with tutorials and links to other blood spatter sites. http://bloodspa…

SWGSTAIN “The mission of SWGSTAIN is to promote and enhance the development of quality forensic bloodstain pattern analysis “

Test Your Bloodstain Analysis Skills– quiz format, gives clear, simple examples to illustrate spatter types and explanations. Also, it’s pretty fun!

Bombs and Explosions

Explosion and Bombing Scene Investigation Guide, DOJ June 2000.

Simplified Guide to Explosives Analysis

Bomb Sniffing Dogs http://www.dssb…om/html/about.html

Detector Dogs and Probable Cause 2006

Child Abuse: Physical [Shaken Baby]

AAP Guidelines for the Evaluation of Physical Abuse of Children This report provides guidance in the clinical approach to the evaluation of suspected physical abuse in children. The medical assessment is outlined with respect to obtaining a history, physical examination, and appropriate ancillary testing. The role of the physician may encompass reporting suspected abuse; assessing the consistency of the explanation, the child’s developmental capabilities, and the characteristics of the injury or injuries; and coordination with other professionals to provide immediate and long-term treatment and follow-up for victims. Accurate and timely diagnosis of children who are suspected victims of abuse can ensure appropriate evaluation, investigation, and outcomes for these children and their families. http://aappolic…iatrics;119/6/1232

Broken Bones This Medline Plus page is great for illustrations of fractures, broken bones and other injuries common to physical child abuse. http://www.nlm….article/001552.htm

Misdiagnosis of child abuse

On SBS  Sue Luttner’s website and blog on shaken baby syndrome.

Shaken Baby National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome “The National Center has a mission: “To educate and train parents and professionals, and to conduct research that will prevent the shaking and abuse of infants in the USA. ”

Shaken Baby Syndrome NINDS Information Page http://www.nind…ers/shakenbaby.htm

SBS Resource

Shaken Baby Syndrome Medical Articles

Shaken Baby Syndrome Informational

The Child Cases: Guilty Until Proved Innocent Discusses the difficulty of determining death in infants plus several case studies, including the radiologist who testified against Woodward, saying he would not have given the same testimony today.

Rethinking Shaken Baby Syndrome by Joseph Shapiro on NPR’s website:

Shaken Baby Syndrome, Abusive Head Trauma, and Actual Innocence: Getting it Right


Child Abuse/Sexual

American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines for the Evaluation of Sexual Abuse of Children

National SANE Protocol

Massachusetts SANE Program

Massachusetts Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Protocol (adults and minors)

When Time Is of the Essence” Collection, Transport, Handling, and Analysis of Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits and Toxicology Kits in Massachusetts”- Senate Committee Report

Anatomical Dolls

APA Guidelines for Psychological Evaluations

Disclosure of child sexual abuse “Disclosure of child sexual abuse – What Does the Research Tell Us About the Ways That Children Tell?” Article 2005 of child sa.pdf

NCADRC: National Child Abuse Defense and Resource Center

False Allegations and Recovered Memory Publication of the National Children’s Advocacy Center and false allegations biblography updated2.pdf

False Accusations Child Suggestibility

Journal Child Abuse Quarterly MSPCC

Portable Guides for Investigating Child Abuse

PTSD Child Reactions to Trauma American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – Facts for Families Page

Suggestibility: Fells Acres Decision

Suggestibility: Stephen Ceci’s Home Page

Symptoms of Child Sexual Abuse From Mothers Against Child Sex Abuse

Sexual Abuse Allegations in Divorce and Custody Disputes

Computer/Cyber crime

DOJ/FBI Guideline: Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations

DOJ Forensic Examination of Digital Evidence for Law Enforcement (2004)

Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: An On-the-Scene Reference for First Responders (2009)

Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence: A Pocket Guide for First Responders (linked from NCJRS)

Calm before the Storm: The Emerging Challenges of Cloud Computing in Digital Forensics (linked from NCJRS)

Electronic Crime Research and Development

The Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) Guidelines Documents/2009-01-15 SWGDE Recommendations for Validation Testing Version v1.1

The Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) Provides links to government agencies, organizations, publications, training, and resources

When the Government Seizes and Searches Your Client’s Computer

National Forensic Science Training Center: Free Online Training

Forensic Focus: Digital Forensics/e-Discovery Articles, Forums, Webinars

Digital Forensic Investigator: Digital Forensics Articles

PoliceMag: The Law Enforcement Magazine– Technology digital forensics articles geared toward police- helpful to see their vantage point

Digital Forensic Science- For Practitioners, Academics, and Researchers

Surveillance Self-Defense Wiretapping Information, Resources, and Statistics

Privacy: An Overview of Federal Statutes Governing Wiretapping and Electronic Eavesdropping

Massachusetts Recording Law

Jurisdiction Issues of Cybercrime within the United States

State Criminal Jurisdiction in Cyberspace: Is There a Sheriff on the Electronic Frontier?

The Interplay of Borders, Turf, Cyberspace, and Jurisdiction: Issues Confronting U.S. Law Enforcement


Center on Wrongful Convictions Northwestern Law School

The Innocence Project: Understanding Why People Falsely Confess http://www.inno…se-Confessions.php

The Truth about False Confessions and Advocacy Scholarship (2001)

Consequences of False Confessions: Deprivations of Liberty and Miscarriages of Justice in the Age of Psychological Interrogation(1998)

The Decision to Confess Falsely: Rational Choice and Irrational Action(1997)

False Confessions: Annotated Clinical Research Topics.htm – False Confessions

Transcripts of direct and cross of experts Ofshe, Leo and Kassin

Reid Chapter Distinguishing Between True and False Confessions

Why Interrogation Contamination Occurs

False Confessions and the Constitution: Problems, Possibilities and Solutions

Disputed Interrogation Techniques in America: True and False Confessions and the Estimation and Valuation of Type I and II Errors

Crime Scene Investigations

Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement, DOJ. This takes you to an updated version of the Guide (2013) and discusses the fundamental principles of investigating a crime scene and preserving evidence that need to be practiced in order to yield reliable information.  The original Guide from 2000 is here:  http://www.ncjr…ffiles1/200160.pdf

Crime Scene Investigator Network

Crime Scene and DNA Basics for Forensic Analysts course. The first lesson addresses the importance of documenting, protecting, and preserving the scene and what types of evidence can be found there and methods used for its collection and preservation. All you have to do is register:

Evidence Collection Guidelines For Blood Stains, Seminal Stains, Hair, Fibers and Threads, Glass, Paint, Flammable Liquids, Firearms Evidence, Tool Marks, Controlled Substances and Medicinal Preparations, Questioned Documents, Latent Fingerprints.

Laboratory Orientation and Testing of Body Fluids and Tissues for Forensic Analysts The second lesson is an overview of historical and contemporary techniques used to characterize body tissues. Some techniques are still used in the examination of body fluids, while knowledge of others, such as ABO and multi-enzyme systems, is of value if old cases are opened for review

GC/MS Analysis by Frederic Douglas: A short primer for lawyers on gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. http://www.scie…articles/gcms.html

GC/MS: How Does it Work? -really cool animations

Videos on GC/MS;

Laboratory Orientation and Testing of Body Fluids and Tissues for Forensic AnalystsThe second lesson is an overview of historical and contemporary techniques used to characterize body tissues. Some techniques are still used in the examination of body fluids, while knowledge of others, such as ABO and multi-enzyme systems, is of value if old cases are opened for review. http://forensic…

Locard’s Exchange Principle & Crime Reconstruction Evidence Dynamics: We do leave a little part of us wherever we have been!…nuary2000_1-1.html

Mass. State Police Crime Lab site.

A Beginner’s Primer on the Investigation of Forensic Science

A Simplified Guide to Crime Scene Photography

Protecting the Crime Scene

Preventing Crime Scene Contamination

10 Most Common Errors in Death Investigations: Part 1

How an Innocent Man’s DNA Was Found at a Crime Scene -through DNA cross-contamination

Crime Statistics

Boston Police website Did you know that this site, like many police web sites, contains all kinds of crime statistics for greater Boston? This information can be very useful in preparing voir dire motions for potential jurors. Along with yearly and monthly statistical reports, there are special sections on domestic violence and sexual assault. Check out the website at:

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Cambridge Crime Stats

CDC State Injury and Mortality Data site. Center for Disease Control. It is useful to get the %’s of, for ex. The number of homicides by guns. http://www.cdc….ncipc/osp/data.htm

Compare Crime Statistics Using This Site http://www.netf…/compare_crime.htm

Crime statistics tutorial. See: A Bare Bones Guide on how to find stats on crime. Useful for voir dire…sp?Page=crimestats DEA Statistics Arrests, Seizures, State Fact Sheets http://www.usdo…ea/statistics.html Massachusetts at http://www.usdo…massachusetts.html

DOJ Sourcebook of Criminal Statistics: This is a great resource to get current statistical information, recent Department of Justice publications. I use it to update my voir dire affidavits. http://www.alba…

FBI Uniform Crime Reports Massachusetts State Police website also contains crime statistics at:

National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is one of the most extensive sources of information on criminal and juvenile justice in the world, providing services to an international community of policymakers and professionals. NCJRS is a collection of clearinghouses supporting all bureaus of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs: the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the OJP Program Offices. It also supports the Office of National Drug Control Policy. or . These two sites are the home pages for many government publications.

Rape and Sexual Assault: Reporting to Police and Medical Attention, 1992-2000. This BJS release presents information on the consequences of rape and sexual assault for female victims. The study provides the percentages of completed rape, attempted rape, and sexual assault of females that were reported to the police in 1992-2000. (NCJ 194530)

US Census 2000– gives a lot information the %’s of population. This information can be used in voir dire affidavits and change of venue motions.

National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD)

Justice Research and Statistics Association

RaidsOnline – Crime Mapping

CATO Institute: Police Misconduct Statistics


Daubert on the Web An updated resource re opinions and court decisions http://www.daub…

Daubert Tracker Tracks cases involving the admissibility of expert testimony and, in particular, find out how specific experts fared in the courts. Its central feature is a database of all reported cases under Daubert and its progeny, trial and appellate, backed up when available by full-text briefs, transcripts and docket entries. Part of what makes the site unique is that it links cases to experts. Even if the expert is not named in the court decision, the site’s editors track down the expert’s identity. For free, you can search the site’s collection of more than 10,000 briefs and other supporting documents from both appellate and trial courts relating to expert witness testimony. If you find a document you are interested in, you can also view the first 10 percent of it free. If you decide you want to purchase the complete document, the cost is $15 for non-subscribers and $7.50 for subscribers.

Deconstructing Daubert: Rule 702 and Non-Scientific Evidence

FBI Whistlestop A not-for-profit organization established to inform and educate the public concerning the culture and practices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Preparing for a Daubert Hearing

Daubert and Expert Testimony

How to Survive Daubert in Nine Easy Lessons: Safely Exploring the Wilds of Expert Evidence

Training for Expert Witnesses: Why Expert Witnesses Need to be Worried About Daubert Hearings



Cellmark A leader in genetic diversity analyses. Does a lot of testing for the government.

Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science

DNA From the Beginning This is a basic DNA site that explains the actual science in a lesson plan. This is put out by the Cold Harbor Springs Lab [where it all began!]

DNA Basics for Forensic Analysts The second lesson addresses the historical use and disadvantages of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP), the method and sequence of steps in which DNA profiles are developed, and the concept of short tandem repeats (STR) testing and its advantages over earlier methods.

DNA Litigation Resource Page Even though this is maintained by prosecutors, it is useful. This is kept pretty current and has links to all the major cases. http://www.biof…ainingOutline2.pdf

DNA Testing: An Introduction for Non-Scientists An illustrated explanation by Donald E. Riley, Ph.D. This primer on DNA evidence is designed to help people who are new to the area get up to speed quickly on the technology and terminology involved in forensic DNA testing. http://www.scie…s/riley/riley.html

Evaluating Forensic DNA Evidence: Essential Elements of a Competent Defense Review

NFSTC Multimedia Slideshow Tutorial

NLADA DNA Library Motions and Research. Slow to load but worth it.http://www.nlad…_lib/Index/DNA#DNA

DNA: A Prosecutor’s Notebook: President’s DNA Initiative Training This free self-paced online training is designed to assist State and local prosecutors in preparing DNA-related cases for prosecution. The lessons cover a wide spectrum of topics relating to the science of DNA and its legal application in the courtroom. Lessons include: Investigating Cases Involving DNA ; Preparing Cases Involving DNA ; Presenting Cases Involving DNA ; Special Case Circumstances ; Lab Report Analysis. All you need to do is to register. http://www.dna….secutors-notebook/

DNA Primer http://seqcore….du/doc/educ/dnapr/

DNA Testing Tutorial An Introduction for Non-Scientists – An illustrated explanation by DONALD E. RILEY, Ph.D. This primer on DNA evidence is designed to help people who are new to the area get up to speed quickly on the technology and terminology involved in forensic DNA testing. http://www.scie…s/riley/riley.html

DNA Tutorial

Forensic Mathematics Online Journal Lots of links to scientific information http://dna-view…ex.html#my%20pages

Glossaries of Genome Human Genetics Terms http://www.kumc…/gec/glossary.html

Interactive sites on DNA topics, cell biology, and biochemistry. The images are pretty good and they have activities with quiz questions and such for you to work on if you want. http://www.biol….edu/default.html

What Every Law Enforcement Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence This NIJ brochure describes the need for investigators to have fundamental knowledge about identifying, preserving, and collecting DNA to help solve cases. The brochure also discusses CODIS (Combined DNA Index System), an electronic database of DNA profiles that can identify suspects. http://www.ncjr…1/nij/bc000614.pdf

Framework for Registration, Classification, and Evaluation of errors in the Forensic DNA Typing Process

Council for Responsible Genetics: The Potential for Error in Forensic DNA Testing

Error Rates in forensic DNA analysis: Definition, numbers, impact, and communication

Mitochondrial DNA Basics

Post conviction DNA Testing Recommendations for Handling Requests The document suggests recommendations for prosecutors, defense counsels, courts, victims’ advocates, and laboratory personnel when receiving requests for post conviction DNA testing to maximize the future benefits and use of DNA in post conviction proceedings. http://www.ojp….ubs-sum/177626.htm

Spermatozoa Capture During the Differential Extraction Process for STR Typing of Sexual Assault Evidence NCJRS Publication http://www.ncjr…/grants/197532.pdf

STR Short Tandem Repeats Good learning page with explanations, data and list of those scientists working with STR’s. http://www.cstl…ov/div831/strbase/

Weir Interview An Interview With DNA Forensics Authority Dr. Bruce Weir: an expert witness for the prosecution in the OJ Simpson case, about the methods and controversies surrounding DNA evidence. http://www.acce…dr_bruce_weir.html

Understanding DNA Evidence: A Guide for Victim Service Providers NIJ Publication, informative

Low Copy Number DNA Discussion of increased potential for error with this type of DNA testing

DNA Analysis Exposes Flaws in an Inexact Forensic Science Video and article discussing evolution of forensics

Statistical Evaluation of Forensic DNA Profile Evidence

Forensic DNA databases: Ethical and legal standards: A global review


Arson Dogs…

Smithsonian: The Education of a Bomb Dog

SWGDOG Approved Guidelines- Explosives Detection

Cadaver Dog Handbook: Forensic Training and Tactics for the Recovery of Human Remains http://books.go…5KvZlIE8Qi2MaloQhQ

What the Dog’s Nose Knows – synopsis of the evaluation of canine scent accuracy, and link to full study($)

Dog Scent Lineups: A Junk Science Injustice

Evaluating Dog Scent Evidence: Where Do I Start? to Dog-Scent.doc+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

The Nose Knows: A Case Analysis of Appeal’s Court Decisions Concerning Scent Dog Evidence Acceptance

Drug Dogs Narco Dogs Are Used To Frame People And To Plant Drugs ? Rights Against Searches & Seizures Unconstitutional Searches Page maintained by Florida lawyer and Professor Rex Curry samples motions, summarizes cases and more http://rexcurry…/drugdogsmain.html

Narcotic Canine Legal Update

North American Police Work Dog Association

Scent as Forensic Evidence and its Relationship to the Law Enforcement Canine http://www.uspc…/forensicScent.pdf

Survivability of Human Scent- Forensic Science Communications

Training K-9 Units link with several articles on training

Handler Beliefs Affect Scent Detection Dog Outcomes and article describing study

Do Owners Have a Clever Hans Effect on Dogs? study on whether handlers can influence/manipulate canine detection

Forensic Science Central-Detection Dogs

SWGDOG Guidelines

Canine Tracking and Scent Identification: Factoring Science into the Threshold for Admissibility

DOJ, FBI and Racial Profiling Publications

Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science

Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement.

DEA Manuals

Digital Evidence in the Courtroom: A Guide for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors 2007 http://www.ojp….ubs-sum/211314.htm

Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator http://www.ncjr…dffiles/167568.pdf

Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders

Explosion and Bombing Scene Investigation, DOJ June 2000. http://www.ojp….ubs-sum/181869.htm

Eyewitness Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement

A National Survey of Eyewitness Identification Procedures in Law Enforcement Agencies national survey of eyewitness identification procedures in law enforcement agencies 2013.pdf

FBI Laboratory: An Investigation into Laboratory Practices and Alleged Misconduct in Explosives-Related and Other Cases (April,1997). This is absolutely unbelievable http://www.usdo…oig/special/9704a/

FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Often has many forensic, and crime scene articles in it http://www.fbi….ations/leb/leb.htm

FBI Publications This is the main search page. Just enter the topic in the search box in the upper right hand corner of the page. http://www.fbi….v/publications.htm

Fire and Arson Scene Evidence: A Guide for Public Safety Personnel, DOJ June 2000. http://www.ojp….ubs-sum/181584.htm

Searching the Fire Scene

Processing a Fire Scene for Evidence- FEMA

Forensic Science Communications FBI journal, current up to April, 2010

Guideline critique: Taking the Fourth Amendment to Bits: The Department of Justice Guidelines for Computer Searches and Seizures http://www.sean…comp_4a.html#partI

Guidelines for Forensic Document Examination (7 parts)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Handbook of Forensic Services It deals with the guidelines re: procedures for safe and efficient methods of collecting and preserving evidence and to describe the forensic examinations performed by the FBI Laboratory.

JUSTINFO An electronic newsletter service sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, is published the 1st and 15th of each month. It provides the latest criminal justice news, information, services, and publications.

Law Enforcement publications This is the official cite for all NIJ law enforcement publications http://www.ncjr…c.aspx?topicid=158

Massachusetts Racial and Gender Profiling study

Postconviction DNA Testing: Recommendations for Handling Requests http://www.ojp….ubs-sum/177626.htm

Institute on Race and Justice List of publications

The Institutionalization of Racial Profiling Policy: An Examination of Antiprofiling Policy Adoption Among Large Law Enforcement Agencies

ACLU Massachusetts Racial Profiling Articles

Domestic Violence (different links than Battered Person)

National Network to End Domestic Violence Fact Sheet

National Domestic Violence Hotline Statistics

Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community

GLBTQ Domestic Violence Project

Jane Doe, Inc.- Massachusetts Coalition Against Assault and Domestic Violence

Massachusetts Domestic Violence Crisis Support Resources Advocates and contacts listed statewide for the client that needs it or for trying to find a complainant. http://www.aard…tates/massdv.shtml

Massachusetts Court Guidelines for Judicial Practice Abuse Prevention Proceedings

Massachusetts 2009 Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Guidelines

Massachusetts Domestic Violence Shelters List of addresses and phone numbers http://www.divo…assachusetts.shtml

Massachusetts Law About Domestic Violence

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Web Site

Jane Doe, Inc.- Massachusetts Coalition Against Assault and Domestic Violence

Drugs and Toxicology

Basic Pharmacology: How do drugs work http://www.edin…how_drugs_work.htm

DEA Drug Information Page http://www.usdo…oncern/concern.htm Has a lot of information about how used, effects and photos.

Date Rape Drug Massachusetts ER Overview Lots of information about effects, half lifeshttp://www.mace…ation/daterape.htm

Drug Use and Hair Analysis http://www.webm…ides/Hair-Analysis

Drug Abuse Pathology with slides of what drugs and alcohol do to the different parts of the body. http://library….IAL/DRUG/DRUG.html This takes a moment to load.

Drug Information includes over the counter, prescription and natural products info re: side effects and interactions

Illegal Drug Info“Welcome to the definitive online area for scientific information about illegal drugs and the effects they have. We have compiled the latest research so that you can understand the real consequences of using illegal substances – drug by drug.”…ndex.asp?id=google

Drug Effect Info from The Merck Pharmaceutical company. http://www.merc…/ch108/ch108a.html

Drug Penalties: Federal http://www.usdo…ency/penalties.htm

Drug Recognition Experts: Defense Motions and ideas http://www.njla…expert_defense.htm

Drug Recognition Experts Massachusetts Drug Evaluation and Classification Program Yes they are here. This has the training, the charts of drug and expected reactions, with photographs of wide eyed pupils, etc.

Drug Recognition Experts: This discusses how the police are trained and validates their techniques but”…They were wrong on twenty-three subjects (13%) in that the correct drug category was not identified.…ic/dre/drgdrvr.htm

Drug Street Terms: The Street Terms database contains over 2,300 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity. The database is used by police officers, parents, treatment providers and others who require a better understanding of drug culture.http://www.whit…

Drug Related Street Terms/ Slang http://www.addi…

False Positives Medications & Substances Causing False Positives “A study of 161 prescription and over the counter medications showed that 65 of them produced false positive results in the most widely administered urine tests.” http://www.pass…alse-positives.htm orhttp://www.pass…alse_positives.htm

Effects When Taking a Drug Also has how to prepare the drugs. Could be useful for either understanding or in a cross examination.

Hair drug testing bibliography. http://www.crim…ournal/mcbay2.html

Journal International Journal of Drug Testing. http://www.crim…

Journal Psychopharmacology Journal that will send you online Table of Contents with search capacities. http://link.spr…ls/00213/index.htm

Massachusetts Drug Lab/Annie Dookhan/DPH Scandal:   

Inspector General Report- March 4, 2014  Detailed account of the lab’s systemic failures to adhere to standards that created an environment where Dookhan’s many transgressions could go undetected. Regardless, the OIG deemed Dookhan to be the “sole bad actor”. The report also makes several conclusions related to the nature of the misconduct without detailing the basis for those conclusions, inferring the existence of additional exculpatory evidence as of yet undisclosed by the OIG.

 Commonwealth v. Scott  SJC decision creating the framework for post-conviction relief for defendants who pleaded guilty where Dookhan’s lab tests ‘positively identified’ drugs.

 BadChemistry- Drug Lab Scandal Synopsis

 Article-SJC Weighs in on Annie Dookhan

Medscape Free online search after registering.

Merck Manuals Explains disorders, who is likely to get them, their symptoms, how they’re diagnosed, how they might be prevented, and how they can be treated; also provides information about prognosis. Based on the world’s most widely used textbook of medicine—The Merck Manual—but written in everyday language by 300 outstanding contributors. Provided free of charge on the Internet by Merck & Co., Inc., as a public service.http://www.merc…om/mmhe/index.html

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information. It has alcohol and drug Facts under categories, crack, ice, etc. at…ov/govpubs/rpo926/

NIH Medline Major site with info about over the counter and illegal drugs. http://www.nlm….uginformation.html

Psychoactive Vaults Erowids: This is a great site with endless info on illegal drugs with photos. http://www.erow…sychoactives.shtml Substance Abuse Network in Mass. You can use this directory to find substance abuse treatment services. Go to “Find Services Near You.”…

Street Drugs All the drugs you may have…heard about …in the past and more with descriptions and photos re: how to use them. Could be useful on cross.http://leda.lyc…g/quickindex.shtml

Web of Addictions: This site has fact sheets regarding all kinds of drugs, legal and street.

False or Repressed Memory (See Child Abuse: Sexual)

Falsely Accused Resource page

False Memories Resources- The Cult Institute

The False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) Information that focuses on the current controversy about the accuracy of adult claims of “repressed” memories of childhood sexual abuse that are often made decades after the alleged events, for which there is no external corroboration.

Elizabeth Loftus’s Website Information on memory, repressed memory and mistaken identification. She has testified many times on these issues. http://faculty…

Recovered Memories Of Sexual Abuse: Scientific Research & Scholarly Resources A collection of research articles by a doctor who believes that they are legit. http://www.jimh…

Repressed Memory Project

Articles relating to a recent SJC ruling on admissibility of repressed memory evidence Repressed Memories in a Controversial Conviction

MA Supreme Court Upholds Repressed Memories in Priest Sex Assault Case

Thanks for the Repressed Memories


Federal Links


Bureau of Prisons


CFR Code of Federal Regulations http://www.gpoa…gov/cfr/index.html



Misconduct Report re FBI Laboratory An Investigation into Laboratory Practices and Alleged Misconduct in Explosives-Related and Other Cases (April,1997). http://www.usdo…oig/special/9704a/

Federal Defenders of MA, NH, & RI

First Circuit Local Rules – page=11

The Federal Judicial Center Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence 2011$file/SciMan3D01.pdf

Federal News Service full text speeches, hearings and debates.

Federal Rules of Evidence…./fre/overview.html

First Circuit Home Page

Homeland Security

PACER Online access to Federal Docket Sheets. Can use to track informants and witnesses.

US Attorney’s Manual Title 9 is Criminal. http://www.usdo…reading_room/usam/


Adermatoglyphia: The Genetic Disorder of People Born Without Fingerprints

Articles Excellent list of scientific articles re: different tests for fingerprints. http://www.phys…enzel/fscipub.html

Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) Manual

Daubert Lists many of the cases where prints have been challenged with all the government Motions in Lim that have been filed and names of all experts who testified in 11 Federal cases!…daubert_links.html andhttp://www.onin…aubert_links2.html

Daubert: US v. Mitchell Here is the site with all of the government motions and memos on it: re Daubert http://www.clpe…

SCAFO-Southern California Association of Fingerprint Officers The reference page is full of resources, also check out their journal The Print

Faulty Fingerprints BU Article about Roxbury faulty fingerprint case

More Than Zero: Accounting for Error in Latent Fingerprint Identification

Daubert Card tips for expert testimony about fingerprint evidence

Guidelines: Scientific Working Group on Friction Ridge Analysis, Study, and Technology (SWGFAST) Collection and processing of latent prints

FBI Processing Guide for Developing Latent Prints

Fingerprints for Dummies Online text: for Non Experts…_dummies_mar05.pdf

Fingerprint: Excellent site with links to other forensic sites. Very Informative. It keeps up with current legal developments.

Impact of Time, Weathering and Surface Type on Fingerprinting

Latent prints A forensic platform focused primarily on latent fingerprints. Its purpose is for the sharing of articles, ideas, and discussion regarding the impression evidence sciences.

NIST Fingerprint Resource- images, powerpoints, etc.

Reliability of Latent Print Examiner Opinion

Ridges and Furrows This web site is the culmination of many hours spent researching topics related to forensic science and enhancement of latent prints using digital technology and latent print identification. http://www.ridg…

Skin Hidden Evidence: Latent Prints on Human Skin by Ivan Ross Futrell, April 1996 Mr. Futrell is a supervisory fingerprint specialist in the Latent Fingerprint Section of the FBI Laboratory in Washington, D.C. Recent research proves that identifiable prints can be obtained from the skin of homicide victims under real field conditions, not just in the laboratory.

How to get prints from skin…/printsonskin.html

The “Superglue” Method– The Cyanoacrylate Fuming Method http://www.ccs….cyanoacrylate.html

Video Simplistic description of symbols used by examiners

The Weekly Detail Online newsletter updated until 2007. The purpose of the Detail is to help keep you informed of the current state of affairs in the latent print community, to provide an avenue to circulate original fingerprint-related articles, and to announce important events as they happen in our field. http://www.clpe…9/TheDetail307.htm

Firearms and Ballistics

Crime Lab Tutorial Everything you would want to know about crime lab examinations of bullets and weapons. Plus, surgical pathology photos. This takes a moment to load. http://library….GUNS/GUNINTRO.html

Daubert Challenge: A Systemic Challenge to the Reliability and Admissibility of Firearms and Toolmark Identification

Daubert: A Challenge to the Admissibility of Firearms and Toolmark Identifications Amicus Brief Prepared On Behalf Of The Defendant In United States V. Kain

A Daubert Challenge to Firearms Identifications by Lisa J. Steele http://www.righ…_id/firearmsID.htm

Gun Shot Residue The FBI Laboratory continues to believe that the GSR examination is valuable but has decided to use the resources previously dedicated to GSR in areas directly related to fighting terrorism, which is the FBI’s primary mission.

Gun Shot Residue photographs

How do bullets fly? This article is also thought as an introduction for all types of readers (hunters, sportsmen, ballisticians, forensic scientists), interested in the “mysteries” of the exterior ballistics of bullets, fired from small arms. http://www.nenn…/bullfly/index.htm

Mega Gun & Ammo Site Updated with all related information including recall notices involving defects, expert testimony, distances, gunshot residue.

Ballistics Tutorial

Steve’s Pages manuals with diagrams for practically every firearm

Diagrams for handguns/rifles

Glock Diagrams

Firearm Diagrams

Assault Rifle Photos and Information

Gallery of Guns information, photo, and video

Sniper’s Nest A page dedicated to Law Enforcement Officers, Military Servicemen, Hunters, Marksmen, and all types of responsible shooters that enjoy the skill and discipline involved in successfully operating a firearm. This page contains information on Ballistics, Engagement of Moving Targets, Weapon Specifications, Minute of Angle instructions, Windage, useful Range tips, and general hints and information to help the informed Marksman. Nice pictures.

ATF State Laws and Published Ordinances 2010-11

Guide to Federal Firearms Law

Why we cannot rely on firearm forensics http://www.nlad…ics%20-%20News.htm

Wound Ballistics Review Articles For example: Forensic Pathology in Firearms Cases; Comments on the “Finger on the Trigger” Issue; The Dynamics of Bullet Contact with Hard Surfaces.…

Wounds Tutorial Everything you would want to know about firearms, wounds with photographs http://library….L/GUNS/GUNINJ.html

Wound: Entrance/Exit Photographs. http://www.soto…b3/bullet/gsw.html

Assault Weapons Policy Summary-Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Firearms, Toolmarks, and Ballistics Resources Resource with several articles on reliability shortcomings, agency standards, etc.

Analysis of Experiments in Forensics Firearms/Toolmarks Practice Offered As Support for Low Rates of Practice Error and Claims of Inferential Certainty

Footwear, Tool Marks and Tire Track Impressions

Daubert Ruling in Favor of Footwear Impression (US v. Allen)

FBI Evidence Collection Forensic Science Communications, April: Handwriting, Typewriting, Shoeprints, and Tire Treads: FBI Laboratory’s Questioned Documents Unit: describes protocols, procedures re evidence collection and examination.

Evidence Collection Footwear, The Missed Evidence Describes the often overlooked evidence, how to properly search, preserve and make impressions of it – even in snow – with references to scientific sources. http://www.crim….net/footwear.html

A Simplified Guide to Footwear & Tire Track Examination

Step Toward Better Track Evidence Photos proper photography necessary for impression evidence

Daubert Ruling in Favor of Footware Impression This doesn’t mean we still can’t try here. http://members….ubert_allen_2.html

Resources for Footwear & Tire Track Impression Examiners featuring Contact Information, Links, References, Training Schedules, Databases and Instructions.http://members….stssite/index.html


Forensic Books and Journals

Amazon You can check the table of contents or indices for information.

CRC Forensics Textbooks You can check the table of contents or indices for information.

Crime Scene Investigation Books

DEA Microgram Bulletin A monthly newsletter published by the US DEA’s Office of Forensic Sciences, and is primarily intended to assist and serve forensic scientists concerned with the detection and analyses of suspected controlled substances for forensic/law enforcement purposes.

Discount Books Once you find the book you want, you may be able to get it for a discount at this site!

FBI Forensic Science Communications A peer-reviewed forensic science journal published quarterly in January, April, July, and October by FBI Laboratory personnel, current up to 2010. It is a means of communication between forensic scientists.

FBI Handbook of Forensic Services

FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Published monthly by the FBI

Forensic Science Bookstore

Textbooks/Learned Treatises This is an excellent resource.

JFS Journal of Forensic Science including the Boston and State Police Crime Lab. AAFS JFS Home Page: Free Online Archive:

Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology From polygraph to child suggestibility to false confessions.

Journals Online with Searchable Indices – IIF

Journals Online Links to dozens of different online accessible scientific/forensic journals.

Journal of Science and Justice Searchable Indices. The UK version of the Forensic Science Communications.

Scientific Testimony Online Journal Articles, news reports and commentary about the use of scientific evidence in legal proceedings. It also offers an archive of information useful to lawyers, forensic scientists and expert witnesses.

Pub Med This allows you to search at least 11 forensic journals and many more medical journals. For example I got 23 responses for “forensic fingerprint”. The idea is to get peer and non peer reviewed articles on the web as soon as possible – with no fee, no registration requirement. It may be a good place to look for writings of various experts in addition to Bowden type of cross examination material.


Forensic Mega Pages

AAFS Journal of Forensic Sciences Published by the American Academy of Forensic Science (AAFS) which is THE journal that is always recognized. Both the State Police and Boston Police crime labs have it. Remember we subscribe to this quarterly. Searchable Index:

American Board of Criminalistics

ASCLD The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) establishes the guidelines for each crime lab for accreditation. May be useful in a Daubert challenge.

ASCLD/LAB American Society of Crime Lab Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board

Crimelynx An excellent page which is kept up regularly. Source for criminalistics and forensic information.

Crime & Clues

Crime Scene Investigation Lots of information about the proper collection of crime scene evidence and more. http://www.crim…

CrimeSpider THIS IS THE BEST SITE!!! Crime Spider searches for the best crime and law enforcement sites, then categorizes topics: criminalistics, forensic anthropology, FBI, unsolved murders, homicide investigation techniques, child abuse, domestic violence, the death penalty, etc.

The Federal Judicial Center Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence 2011 Wide ranging topics from statistics to DNA to toxicology$file/SciMan3D01.pdf

Forensic Evidence A Beginner’s Primer on the Investigation of Forensic EvidenceThis is an excellent article re: what you should do when you have a forensic issue, including discovery checklists. http://www.scie…lick/kruglick.html

Forensic Science Mega Page George Washington University Good page with links to all kinds of forensic areas.

Forensic Science Resources in a Criminal Fact Investigation Includes bibliographies from arson to blood spatter, etc.

Forensic Science Portal This has links to everything

Forensics Talk Blog “I’m a registered nurse with over 30 years of clinical nursing experience combined with paralegal, forensics, fraud and medicolegal death investigation training. I Practice as a certified Forensic Nurse Examiner and am an independent forensic nurse consultant.” Current up to 2012.

Jeff Flax Great resource from this Federal Public Defender.

Kruglaw’s Forensic and Criminal Law Links to over 1,000 sites from forensics to law.

Misconduct Report re FBI Laboratory An Investigation into Laboratory Practices and Alleged Misconduct in Explosives-Related and Other Cases (April,1997). This is absolutely unbelievable.

Reddy’s Mega Site

Science Direct Vast database of scientific publications, not limited to forensics.

US Fish and Wildlife Service

Zeno’s Forensic Site


Freedom of Information (FOIA)

DEA Freedom of Information

FBI Freedom of Information

FOIA First Amendment Project

Federal FOIA Letter Generator Creates the letter for you after you input the information. Fully automated online request form.

Guide to the Massachusetts Public Record Law Instructions and Sample Request here:

USDOJ Office of Information Policy


FBI National Gang Threat Assessment-Emerging Trends 2011

National Gang Center

Massachussetts Security Threat Group Information Statistics on gang involvement in Massachusetts prisons current up to 2012

The California Gang Investigator’s Association Founded in 1977 to foster better relationships and networking among the various investigative units working street gangs

Street gangs in Massachusetts – sthash.ERBpg14J.dpbs

Another list of gangs in Massachusetts

Street Gangs: Intelligence & Awareness Training Provided by the Massachusetts State Police, includes a quick guide to Massachusetts gangs

Southie-Outlaw Empires Whitey Bulger/Irish Mob documentary

Attorney General’s Report to Congress on the Growth of Violent Street Gangs in Suburban Areas

Gang Expert Lisa Taylor Austin

Handwriting and Questioned Documents

The American Society of Questioned Document Examiners Journal, as well as resources page with several helpful links

Meeting the Daubert Challenge: A Bibliography of Handwriting Articles for the Forensic Document Examiner Forensic Science Communications

Motion to Exclude – Allowed in part: US v. Hines handwriting expert not permitted to make any ultimate conclusions on the actual authorship of the questioned writing. http://pub.bna….19990630/10336.htm

Handwriting, Typewriting, Shoeprints, and Tire Treads: FBI Laboratory’s Questioned Documents Unit FBI Forensic Science Communications Protocols

SWGDOC Guidelines for Forensic Document Examination

Admissibility of Handwriting Expertise Survey of Post-Daubert Cases

Cases Involving the Reliability of Handwriting Identification Expertise Since the Decision in Daubert

Document Investigation Laboratory

A Simplified Guide to Forensic Document Examination

Identification: Eyewitness ID, Mistaken ID

New NAS Report on Eyewitness ID:  “Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification”  “Eyewitnesses play an important role in criminal cases when they can identify culprits. Estimates suggest that tens of thousands of eyewitnesses make identifications in criminal investigations each year. Research on factors that affect the accuracy of eyewitness identification procedures has given us an increasingly clear picture of how identifications are made, and more importantly, an improved understanding of the principled limits on vision and memory that can lead to failure of identification. Factors such as viewing conditions, duress, elevated emotions, and biases influence the visual perception experience. Perceptual experiences are stored by a system of memory that is highly malleable and continuously evolving, neither retaining nor divulging content in an informational vacuum….”

Eyewitness Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement & Trainer’s Manual Outlines basic procedures to obtain the most reliable and accurate information from eyewitnesses. Topics discussed in this NIJ Research Report include procedures for inter-viewing witnesses and procedures for witness identification of suspects.

Report Of The Task Force On Eyewitness Evidence-Suffolk County Adopts the procedures suggested by DOJ. Both are useful for cross examination and motions to suppress. http://www.inno…olk_eyewitness.pdf

EyeID-Comprehensive Defense Resource for Litigating Eyewitness ID Cases

Eyewitness Laboratory in the Psychology Department at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Focuses on research in eyewitness memory and identification, and many aspects of face recognition. Has many studies and links online.

Elizabeth Loftus Home PageIncludes links to her research articles. She has testified many times on these issues. She can be contacted at: [email protected] and her office phone number is 206-543-7184. http://faculty…

Eyewitness Accuracy and Distance “Misidentifications can occur, and the quality of memory is limited by the distance at which a witness sees a person. This research, which specifies mathematically the relation between memory quality and distance, results in our being able to present intuitive information to a jury, which can help it come to the best possible decision in a case.” http://www.scie…2/050218140357.htm

Eyewitness Identification – Human Factors http://www.eyew…

Eyewitness Identification Procedures: Recommendations for Lineups and Photospreads

Gary Wells-Eyewitness/Memory Expert Homepage Page is a bit disorganized, but has tons of useful articles

The Innocence Project Eyewitness misidentification is the single greatest cause of wrongful convictions nationwide, playing a role in more than 75% of convictions overturned through DNA testing. http://www.inno…identification.php

Misidentification- The Caprices of Eyewitness Testimony in Criminal Cases

Kassin’s Online Research on eyewitness identification unreliability. http://www.will…rch/eyewitness.htm

Memory Impairment in the Weapon Focus Effect 2009.pdf

Police Lineups: Making Eyewitness Identification More Reliable

Police Officer and Eyewitness Memory Literature supporting the principle that police are no better at identifying someone than anyone else.…?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0

Perceptual and Memory Distortion During Officer-Involved Shootings…percep_distort.pdf

True Witness Including, but not limited to eyewitness ID issues. Also looks at general ways to improve the criminal justice system.

Truth in Justice-Eyewitness Identification Several examples of real-life faulty eyewitness ID’s

Visual Cognition Lab Here’s a website that has short videos with real people that brings home the fact that we don’t see what we think we see.

Visual Expert- Errors in Eyewitness Identification Procedures

Words Get In the Way A series of laboratory studies found that memories for a mock criminal’s face were much poorer among eyewitnesses who had described what the perpetrator looked like shortly after seeing him, compared with those who hadn’t.


Boston BRA  You can get neighborhood maps. Most cities should have something similar.…/bra/maps/maps.asp

Google Earth  Google Earth combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world’s geographic information at your fingertips. This can also give you measurements from one place to another.

GPS Visualizer Calculate the distance between two addresses. This calculator will find the straight-line distance between two locations of any kind: street addresses, city names, ZIP codes, etc. You can superimpose the results on a variety of maps and sat photos.  http://gpsvisua…

Google Maps

Bing Maps- Microsoft Virtual Earth

My Neighborhood  Just enter your property address to get detailed information about your community such as the nearest library or community center.

City of Boston-Neighborhoods  Most cities will have something similar to this. Could be useful for voir dire.


Medical Examiner/Pathology

Arson: Dead or Alive?   The key questions to be resolved are: Was the victim alive or dead at the time the fire started? Is the cause of death fire related? If so, is the cause of death smoke inhalation, burns, or heat shock? If not, what is the cause o: f death? See this for a discussion of these issues. http://www.dund…cine/llb/fires.htm

Autopsy Diagrams- Armed Forces Medical Examiner System

Autopsy Step by Step description  http://www.path…

Autopsy: How Stuff Works This has a step by step illustrated walk through of an autopsy http://health.h…

Autopsy Training Videos

Autopsy Video-gunshot wound: suicide or homicide?

Interactive Autopsy

Virtual Autopsy

HBO Autopsy with Michael Baden  Watch the autopsy process and how it solves the crime. Several full episodes available on Youtube.

Autopsies Screenwriter’s guide…reenwriters-guide/

Independent Autopsy  For when you really need a second opinion

Can You Age Bruises Accurately in Children?

Bruises in Suspected Abuse Cases- Medical Misdiagnosis Research

Bugs, Bodies, and Crime Scene Investigation   Forensic entomology is the study of insects associated with a body after death, mainly to determine time since death. Graphic Photos http://www.tolw…?treehouse_id=4197

ad Body Checklist!  Describing the types of evidence that should be looked for.   http://www.crim…dbodyevidence.html

Death InvestigationA Guide for the Scene Investigator- DOJ Guidelines

Drowning – how to determine, types of tests   http://www.dund…cine/llb/water.htm

Firearm Tutorial   patterns of tissue injury to GSR  http://library….GUNS/GUNINTRO.html

Forensic Anthropology Resource

Forensic Anthropology- Identification Techniques

Some Limitations of Forensic Anthropology

Forensic Entomology

Entomology in Investigations

Entomology-Crime Scene Intelligence

Entomology-Casey Anthony

Gray’s Anatomy  OK – so you don’t know what a sphenoid sinus is. Now you do!

Gunshot Wounds: A Summary  done by anthropologist Ann Ross describing different wounds with photos, etc.  http://www.soto…b3/bullet/gsw.html

Human Anatomy Online   with photos and animations  http://www.inne….com/htm/body.html

Mass Medical Examiner

Forensic Pathology Links

Pictures and Tutorials  Shaken baby syndrome, retinal hemorrhages; Strangulation: Mechanical asphyxia with conjunctival petechiae; Head Injuries: Skull fracture, base, orbital plate; Skull fractures, cranial vault; .Scalp contusions; Defensive Wounds: Mechanism of defense wounds; Defense wound on forearm; Defense wounds on hand; Mechanism of defense wounds; Defense wound on forearm; Defense wounds on hand; Gunshot Wounds: Contact range gunshot wound; Contact range gunshot wound; Contact range gunshot wound; Contact range gunshot wound; Range of fire, gunshot to skull, diagram; Skull, contact range gunshot wound; Gunshot entrance wound with GSR, microsopic ; Intermediate range gunshot wound; Entrance and Exit wounds. Entrance-exit wound in close proximity from low angle of bullet entrance, gross Exit gunshot wound.  http://library….AL/TUTORIAL.html#1 



Medical Journals

Jeff Flax’s Medical Resource Page  Giant resource to a lot of medical, psych., drugs and online journals. or

Medical Journals Online  This is the largest index of online journals which contains medical, legal, psychology, social sciences, etc.  http://genamics…journals/index.htm

MEDLINE: PubMed  Free MEDLINE database of more than 9 million references to articles published in 3800 biomedical journals may be accessed free of charge on the World Wide Web.  http://www.ncbi…s/entrez?db=PubMed

New England Journal of Medicine

Common Medical Abbreviations AND Terms   Useful in reading a medical record http://www.glob… ORhttp://www.medt…script/main/hp.asp

Medical Encyclopedia  http://www.nlm…./encyclopedia.html

PDR Online

US National Library of Medicine Site  It is linked to many definitional and informational databases: Internet Medline.

Hospital Finder

Mass Health Care Safety & License Verification Site

Physician Credential/Disciplinary Action Check  This site allows you to search to locate a particular MD and find out about the MD’s background and/or if that MD has had any disciplinary action taken against him or her.  Mass:  National:  OR

Nurse Credential/Disciplinary Action Check

Medical Libraries

BU Alumni Medical Library http://med-libw…/library/home.html

Cornell Medical Library http://neocorte……WVL/PhysioWeb.html

Doctor’s Guide to the Internet Big Site with lots of medical info and journals

Harvard Medical

Get A Document The Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries can provide you with documents from any source in our collection, within the limits of the copyright notice below.You need to have a citation, such as 450 Mass. 1, 32 BU Law Review 15, 130 CMR 50.02, in order for us to complete your request.

MGH Treadwell Medical Library with Ovid Medline and full text journals available to all and no password required.

Tufts Medical

U Mass Medical Library

Worldcat Search for an item in libraries near you

Medical Resources

Common Medical Abbreviations AND Terms Useful in reading a medical recordhttp://www.glob… OR http://www.medt…script/main/hp.asp

Gray’s Anatomy online: OK – so you don’t know what a sphenoid sinus is. Now you do!

Hospital Locator This lists every hospital in Massachusetts and then when you go the home page every hospital in the USA. http://www.mhal…ublic/mahospitals/ orhttp://www.mass…hospital_list.shtm Medical Encyclopedia http://www.nlm…./encyclopedia.html

Medical Encyclopedia  http://www.nlm…./encyclopedia.html

MEDLINE: PubMed  Free MEDLINE database of more than 9 million references to articles published in 3800 biomedical journals may be accessed free of charge on the World Wide Web.  http://www.ncbi…s/entrez?db=PubMed

PDR Online

Public Health Statistics   In addition to statistics regarding various public health issues,   http://www.stat…s/dph/pubstats.htm

US National Library of Medicine Site. It is linked to many definitional and informational databases: Internet Medline.



Police and Public Safety

Mass Police Department Website Lists    This site includes links to campus and housing authorities:

Police Crimes  Collection of articles about police misconduct

Huffpost Police Brutality

The Most Outrageous Police Misconduct Stories of 2013

Massachusetts Police Misconduct Case List  list of Attorney Myong Joun’s police misconduct cases

Boston Police

Boston Police Academy  site currently under construction, but hopefully it will be up soon

Mass State Police Forensic Services

Mass Police Department Directory

Municipal Police Training Committee

Mass Department of Corrections  http://www.stat…us/doc/default.htm

Mass Cops  forums and news articles for Massachusetts law enforcement

Medical Examiner

Mass Parole Board

Mass Executive Office of Public Safety  Links to all the governmental agencies that deal with crime issues: from the Board of Bar Examiners, to the District Attorney Agencies to Mental Health to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and yes, Sex Offenders, etc.

Springfield Police Department

Mass State Police

Mass State Police Association

Worcester Police…


American Polygraph Association

Bibliography Federation of American Scientists with links to studies http://www.fas….lygraph/index.html

Daubert and Polygraph: Following Daubert most of the Federal Courts and many of the state courts have revisited the issue of admitting the results of polygraph tests as evidence in courts of law. This page was created by Charles Honts as a resource for those legal and polygraph professionals who are interested in this topic. In addition to articles and cases it contains transcripts. See Neni Odiaga in the CPCS Roxbury Office.…graph/polylaw.html

Journal of Credibility Assessment And Witness Psychology.…caawp/default.html

Using Polygraph Evidence After Scheffer Part 1:  Part 2:

Polygraph Admissibility Laws

Legal Admissibility of Polygraph Results

News and Magazine Links

Online News Stations…  or…qo4CFQccHgodeBLMQg


ABC Boston Channel 5

Fox Boston

NBC Boston Channel 7

Western Mass News

Mass Newspaper & News Media Guide

Berkshire Eagle

Boston Globe  It – like most papers – has a Globe Extra feature that lets subscribers search and print out articles free. This is very useful for documenting affidavits supporting voir dire

Boston Herald

Brockton Enterprise

Hampshire Gazette

Lawrence Eagle Tribune

Lowell Sun

Patriot Ledger

Union News Springfield

Worcester Telegram

CNN website  It often has transcripts available for their programming.

Federal News Service  Full text speeches, hearings and debates.

Magazine Portal   Find individual articles from many free magazines by browsing the categories or using the search engine. From The Atlantic Monthly to Entertainment Today to JAAPA to Mother Jones.

New York Times

Virtual LRC Online Magazine  http://www.virt…com/magsearch.html 

XooxleAnswers  National newspaper archive

Mass TV Stations  http://www.mass…  or http://en.wikip…s_in_Massachusetts

Mass Radio Stations  http://www.usne…iostations/ma.html  or  http://www.onth…massachusetts.aspx

Psychiatric & Psychological Journals

American Journal of Psychiatry and all its articles online.

Daubert Issues A Preview of the Post-Daubert Expert in Psychiatric testimony.http://www.fore…s/artAskexp05.html

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology: Searchable index. Great resource for those expert challenges.

Journal of the American Medical Association. Click search; enter something like ‘sexual abuse’ and you’re off to the races.

Journal of Credibility Assessment And Witness Psychology. Published by The Department of Psychology Boise State University. Editor: Charles R. Honts, Ph. D. The Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology (JCAAWP) exists primarily on the World Wide Web. JCAAWP publishes original empirical, review, and theoretical work in all areas of the scientific study of credibility assessment and witness psychology. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Psycho physiological Credibility Assessment; Statement Analysis; Malingering; Interviewing Techniques and Processes; Eyewitness Memory; Traumatic Memory; Child Witness Issues; Confession Phenomena and Interrogation; Legal Issues Related to All of These Topics.

Journal National Center for PTSD

American Psychological Association Journals 

Psychiatry Online Journals

AmoebaWeb Journal Search  The Mental Health Net: award-winning site of psychology resources on the Web! Psychology Journals; Current Research in Social Psychology (CRISP); Brain and Mind; APA Monitor; Der  Zeitgeist: The Student Journal of Psychology! Traumatology; Gestalt! International Journal of Psycho-pathology, Psycho-pharmacology, and       Experimental and General Psychology Neuroscience-Net. Links to Psychological Journals New England Journal of Medicine Electronic Journals.

Online Journals  This is the largest index of online journals which contains psychology, medical, legal, social sciences, etc.  http://genamics…journals/index.htm

Online Journals  This is a wonderfully current listing of dozens of psych. Journals that are on line.   http://psych.ha…rantz/journal.html



Psychiatric & Psychological Links

CPCS Mental Health Litigation Division  Practice Aids:

APA American Psychological Association  with links and searchable index.

 Anxiety Disorders


Borderline Personality Disorder  with links to articles about the disease and medications

Diplomate Requirements   Brochure discusses what the requirements are to become a Diplomate.

DSM V  Official website for the DSM V. Full publication available for purchase only, but nevertheless provides resources and information.

Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology Links  http://www.tncr…ensic/f_psych.html

Mega Resource   Another major authoritative resource for many psychiatric and forensic issues.  http://members….dwillsh/index.html

Mental Health Resource Site  This is a great site with everything from disease, diagnosis to medications.  or  http://www.ange…Mentalillness.html

Mood Disorders  Everything you need to know about mood disorders, depression, the medications involved and how they make you act.  and  http://www.psyc…ssion.central.html

Neuropsychology  This is an introductory page into the world of  neuropsychology and how to identify problems in your clients.

PTSD  National Center for PTSD Research and Education on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The information on this web site is presented for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for informed medical advice or training. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a mental health problem without consulting a qualified health or mental health care provider. Directory: Information about PTSD; About the National Center for PTSD; PTSD Research Quarterly, NC-PTSD Clinical Quarterly, and more. The PILOTS Database: Our electronic index to the worldwide literature on traumatic stress. Direct link to search PILOTS now (using the DCIS graphic interface). PTSD Resource Center: The world’s largest collection of traumatic stress literature. Links to Other WWW Sites.

Schizophrenia Related Research Journals  Schizophrenia Scientific and Professional Organizations; University-Level Sources of Information; Layman information on Schizophrenia.

Trauma Information Pages  These Pages focus primarily on emotional trauma and traumatic stress, including PTSD, whether following individual traumatic experience(s) or a large-scale disaster.


Psychiatric Meds [See Drugs]

Medications  This is a listing of hundreds of drugs with their effects, side effects, contra indications, etc. Very thorough.  http://www.ment…

Medications  The most common psychiatric drugs including: indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, adverse effects, overdose, dosage, and research findings.

Medication  Effects Pharmaceutical descriptions of effects, life, side effects of many drugs. – /diseaseinformation/managingyourcancer/treatmentnextsteps/typesoftreatment/chemotherapyotherdrugtherapies/drugs/

Medication Effects Current, authoritative, and unbiased information on more than 11,000 generic and brand name drugs. Standard Elements — Searchable database of descriptions, precautions, proper use and side/adverse effects for more than 750 generic medicines.  http://www.usp…./publicAccess.html


Public Records

Criminal Records Free   Listed below are over 1,330 state, county, city and federal (court) URL’s where you can access public record information for free.  http://www.crim…om/freerecords.htm

Mass. Searchable Public Record Databases   including: licensing and on line cities and towns. http://www.sear…et/list.php?nid=30

Public Record Finder   finds free public records using the largest public records search database on the World Wide Web  http://www.publ…

Public Records Law Lets you know what is a public record from accident reports to internal affairs.

Statewide Criminal Background Check Resources

Vital Records  “This page contains information about where to obtain copies of Massachusetts vital records, such as birth & death certificates, marriage licenses & divorce decrees. See the guidelines for information on how to order vital records. Check the related links for additional information on Massachusetts and ordering vital records.

Self Defense

Defending the Self Defense Case

Inter-Limb Interaction   This is a term used to describe the involuntary contraction of an individual’s hand and finger muscles under stressful conditions. http://www.danz…com/interlimb.html

The Judicious Use of Force  You can use these police studies to show why when your client fired off 14 shots it really wasn’t his fault  http://www.thep…rce&Perception.htm

Perceptual and Memory Distortion During Officer-Involved Shootings  FBI L. Enforcement Bultn. 18, 18 (Oct. 2002)…percep_distort.pdf

Lowering Pursuit-Induced Overloads

Stress Reactions Related to Lethal Force Encounters

Battered Women’s Use of Violence

“Stand Your Ground”:New Trends in Self Defense Law

No Nonsense Self Defense

Personal Defense Network


Sexual Assault

Condom Trace Evidence  A New Factor in Sexual Assault Investigations By Blackledge, M.S.  [This Article Originally Appeared in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, May 1996.] 

Mass Sexual Assault Law

SANE Protocols  Useful in preparing cross and discovery requests or

Sexual Assault Evidence: National Assessment and Guidebook  Author(s): R. E. Gaensslen Ph.D.; Henry C. Lee Ph.D.  NCJRS Publication

Spermatozoa Capture During the Differential Extraction Process for STR Typing of Sexual Assault Evidence  NCJRS Publication  http://www.ncjr…/grants/197532.pdf

Emergency Contraception

Evidence Collection and Care of the Sexual Assault Survivor  The SANE-SART Response  http://www.minc…ensicevidence.html

Massachusetts S.A.N.E. Designated Sites  These hospitals must use the Rape Kits and follow SANE protocols.

Serological Evidence in Sexual Assault Investigations  [This Article Originally Appeared in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, October 1990.]

Mass Sexual Assault Statistics  Provider Sexual Crime Report   JaneDoe, Inc. Statistics

North Shore Rape Crisis Center- Facts About Sexual Assault

Boston Area Rape Crisis Center Statistics

‘Sperm clock’ could pinpoint time of a rape  The predictable death of sperm in condoms laced with spermicide could help police pinpoint the time of a rape, and possibly even corroborate the testimony of the victim or the defendant. – .U_GfDYBdWsY

National Rape & Sexual Assault Statistics

Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Resource Center

Sexual Assault & Semen Persistence

Forensic Tests for Semen: What You Should Know

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Massachusetts Department of Public Health   Fact Sheets Everything you don’t need to know about STD’s. This site has current information re: sexually transmitted diseases with fact sheets about symptoms. They are also very helpful on the phone and potential expert witnesses. – std

Sexually Transmitted Disease and Child Abuse DOJ Guide  http://www.ncjr…files/stdandab.pdf 

CDC STD Resource Page

Tutorials and Photos  This electronic resource includes over 1900 images along with text, tutorials, and laboratory exercises that demonstrate gross and microscopic pathologic findings associated with human disease conditions.  http://www-medl…/webpath.html#menu

Criminalization of STD’s in Massachusetts

Center for HIV Law & Policy

Trace Evidence Hair/Fiber/Blood [See Crime Scene Investigations]

FBI Handbook of Forensic Services  The purpose of the Handbook of Forensic Services is to provide guidance and procedures for safe and efficient methods of collecting, preserving, packaging, and shipping evidence and to describe the forensic examinations performed by the FBI’s Laboratory Division and Investigative Technology Division.

Animal Hair Atlas, M.J.Fox – Atlas of Human Hair Microscopic Characteristics.pdf

Blood: Collection and Preservation of Blood Evidence from Crime Scenes   http://www.crim…   

Blood: Luminol  Good discussion of testimony regarding luminol hits after confirmatory testing could not establish that the “hit” was in fact blood.  The opinion is posted in PDF format on this website.  http://www.stat…/coca/CriderBH.pdf

Blood: How luminol works  http://science…

Blood: Luminol Photo  http://www.flic…s/mgdtgd/140282001

FBI Fiber Examination Guidelines

FBI Trace Evidence Guidelines

NIST Trace Evidence Guidelines

FBI Paint Analysis and Comparison Guidelines

Scientific Working Group for Materials Analysis

Simplified Guide to Trace Evidence

Forensic Database Trace Evidence Table

Forensics Wiki

Journal of Forensic Research

Caught by Hair: Quick, New Identification of Hair May Help Crime Fighters

Science Spot  Website for kids, but full of interactive sites for various forensic tests

Expert Witness Directory

Glass Evidence Analysis

Soil Analysis


Blood Spatter Slide Show Tutorial http://nfstc.or…ood%20spatters.swf andhttp://bloodspa…om/BPATutorial.htm or http://www.braz…patter_general.htm

Computer Email multimedia tutorial http://nfstc.or…es/rev_emailv3.swf Crime Lab Tutorial Everything you would want to know about crime lab examinations of bullets and weapons. Plus surgical pathology photos http://library….GUNS/GUNINTRO.htmlThis takes a moment to load.

Crime Lab Walk Through This has photos of various types of forensic techniques supported by experts and learned treatises http://www.cour…com/forensics/lab/

Crime Scene and DNA Basics for Forensic Analysts course. The first lesson addresses the importance of documenting, protecting, and preserving the scene and what types of evidence can be found there and methods used for its collection and preservation. All you have to do is register

Crime statistics tutorial. See: A Bare Bones Guide on how to find stats on crime. Useful for voir dire…sp?Page=crimestats or http://www.crim….org/tutorial.html

Dexter Showtime’s great show about a forensic criminalist who is a serial killer This is a great video series about blood spatter http://www.sho….tent=blood_spatter

DNA Testing: An Introduction for Non-Scientists – An illustrated explanation by Donald E. Riley, Ph.D. This primer on DNA evidence is designed to help people who are new to the area get up to speed quickly on the technology and terminology involved in forensic DNA testing. http://www.scie…s/riley/riley.html

DNA Basics for Forensic Analysts course The second lesson addresses the historical use and disadvantages of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP), the method and sequence of steps in which DNA profiles are developed, and the concept of short tandem repeats (STR) testing and its advantages over earlier methods.

DNA NFSTC Multimedia Slide Show Tutorial http://nfstc.or…mages/DNAintro.swf

Drug Abuse Pathology with slides of what drugs and alcohol do to the different parts of the body. http://library….IAL/DRUG/DRUG.html

False Confessions Library NLADA Tutorial, Motions and instructions plus research. Slow to load but worth it. http://www.nlad…ssions#Confessions

Firearm Tutorial from what parts of gun and ammo look like to patterns of tissue injury to GSR http://library….GUNS/GUNINTRO.html

Forensic Evidence A Beginner’s Primer on the Investigation of Forensic Evidence. This is an excellent article re: what you should do when you have a forensic issue, including discovery checklists. http://www.scie…lick/kruglick.html

GC/MS Analysis by Frederic Douglas: A short primer for lawyers on gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. http://www.scie…articles/gcms.html

GC/MS walk through with movies! http://www.shsu…/primers/gcms.html

Crime Lab Tutorial Everything you would want to know about crime lab examinations of bullets and weapons. Plus surgical pathology photos http://library….GUNS/GUNINTRO.htmlThis takes a moment to load.

Laboratory Orientation and Testing of Body Fluids and Tissues for Forensic AnalystsThe second lesson is an overview of historical and contemporary techniques used to characterize body tissues. Some techniques are still used in the examination of body fluids, while knowledge of others, such as ABO and multi-enzyme systems, is of value if old cases are opened for review. http://forensic…

Tutorials of the following: Shaken baby syndrome, retinal hemorrhages; Strangulation: Mechanical asphyxia with conjunctival petechiae; Head Injuries: Skull fracture, base, orbital plate; Skull fractures, cranial vault; .Scalp contusions; Defensive Wounds: Mechanism of defense wounds; Defense wound on forearm; Defense wounds on hand; Mechanism of defense wounds; Defense wound on forearm; Defense wounds on hand; Gunshot Wounds: Contact range gunshot wound; Contact range gunshot wound; Contact range gunshot wound; Contact range gunshot wound; Range of fire, gunshot to skull, diagram; Skull, contact range gunshot wound; Gunshot entrance wound with GSR, microsopic ; Intermediate range gunshot wound; Entrance and Exit wounds. Entrance-exit wound in close proximity from low angle of bullet entrance, gross Exit gunshot wound. http://library….AL/TUTORIAL.html#1 This takes a moment to load.

Virtual OZ Welcome to Virtual Oz! Hit the START button to get going. This is a pretty realistic vision of a maximum security facility.


Forensics Meteorology from AccuWeather Expert forensic meteorology group offering a wide range of products and services related to historical weather research and weather analysis

Historical Weather Conditions So you want to know what the weather was like on some past day. Well, this page is going to show you how to get the data you need.

National Climate Data http://www.ncdc…

Sunrise/sunset times on the website of the U.S. Naval Observatory, in case anyone is interested, at http://aa.usno….ocs/RS_OneYear.php

Time and Date

Weather Underground