Department of Children and Families (DCF)
- DCF Area Offices
- DCF Website
- DCF Regulations and Policies [DCF website]
- DCF Policies [additional policies not included on DCF website – may not be current]
Statutory references
- G.L. c. 119
- G.L c. 119 § 51A Reporting suspected Abuse or Neglect
- G.L. c. 119 § 51B Investigation of reports of Abuse filed under c. 51A
- G.L. c. 119, § 22 Visitation of family foster homes; removal of child; discharge of child to parent or legal guardian
- Grandparent visitation, sibling visitation; appeal of a decision to deny visitation
- G.L. c. 210
- Code of Massachusetts Regulations 110
- 110 CMR 7.00 services
- 110 CMR 10.00 Fair Hearing and Grievances
- DCF Policies and Regulations
- Permanency Planning Policy
- Ongoing Casework Policy 86-011
- Foster Parent Weekly Observation Log