SORB Certification Training

See CPCS Training Calendar for date of next training.

SORB Hearings Panel Application, SORB SDP Appellate Application 2017 and Waiver Form (for attorneys who are not members of a bar advocate program) must be submitted to and accepted by CPCS Alternative Commitment and Registration Support Unit prior to enrollment.

Further information about this program is available from Assignment Coordinator,
[hide][email protected][/hide] or (617) 482-6212, ext. 5827.

SDP Certification Training

See CPCS Training Calendar for date of next training.

SDP Trial Panel Application, SORB SDP Appellate Application 2017 and Waiver Form (for attorneys who are not members of a bar advocate program) must be submitted to and accepted by the Alternative Commitment and Registration Support Unit of CPCS.

Further information about this program is available from Assignment Coordinator,
[hide][email protected][/hide] or (617) 482-6212, ext. 5827.