Main Phone |
(508) 747-6911 |
General Email |
N/A |
Appellate Clerk |
Shyla Foster |
Clerk Extension |
(508) 747-8513 |
Clerk Email |
[email protected] |
Filing Info |
Generally wants notices of appearance, etc. filed by mail, but clerk will accept by email if contact her before sending. |
How to get transcript |
FTR: trial counsel required to notify CPCS of notice appeal and to order transcript; court requires notice that transcripts were ordered to be sent to court. |
How to get file docs |
Most in Mass Courts or contact clerk about additional documents. If seeking documents from file, call court first, because Plymouth files usually sent back to Brockton, but not always. |
How to get exhibits |
Can request from Ms. Foster for email copies; if going to court, call Ms. Foster first to confirm that the exhibits were sent back to Brockton (all exhibits supposed to be kept there). |
Other |
Clerk will be moving to Brockton in October 2022; case files generally held in Brockton after trial concluded; MNT could occur in either court. |