Main Phone (508) 587-8000 x 6#/1#
General Email [email protected]
Appellate Clerk Noreen Prime
Clerk Extension (508) 897-2788 — leave voice mail. Will be returned when she isn’t in session.
Clerk Email [email protected]
Filing Info Notices of appearance accepted through email; once clerk suggests using form: Other documents will be accepted through main email box as well. NOTE: New standing order will require all filings to be delivered by mail or in hand.
How to get transcript FTR — no notice of request of transcripts required but preferred. NOTE: clerk will assemble right away when she gets transcripts — she will try to guess whether a MTS or other transcript is expected, but she is just guessing without a notice — so notice would be recommended (clerk won’t call attorney to confirm all transcripts are in). ALSO, the court reporter must provide PDF version of transcripts, because all appeals assembled and transmitted electronically.
How to get file docs Can send request to main email mailbox but there may be a delay due to staffing. Better to get in person — front desk staffed well, so no appointment is needed.
How to get exhibits Can send request to main email mailbox but there may be a delay due to staffing. Better to get in person — front desk staffed well, so no appointment is needed.
Other N/A