February CAFL Monthly CAFL Race Equity Drop-In has been cancelled.
CPCS is having an agencywide Black History Month Event on a very important topic that is taking place at the same time as our drop in. It is approved for 1.5 CAFL CLEs. We hope you will sign up for this instead. There are both in person and zoom options.
Please register by 2/28/2024 so we can ensure we have a zoom license large enough.
As a reminder, in lieu of our March drop in, we will be presenting a training on Using Data in Litigating Race, on March 20, 2:30-4:30. You can sign up here. We also hope you will join us for our April 3 drop in where we will continue to talk about using data.
Best regards,
CAFL Training & CAFL Racial Justice Task Force