Reporting tool to capture video conferencing issues experienced during client court hearings.
In response to the 2017 CPCS/Suffolk University survey regarding trial court video conferencing (VC), the Trial Court has established a Working Group to address various issues associated with VC. Technological malfunctions are one focus for the Working Group.
CPCS’s representatives on the Working Group seek to gather data so the Working Group can identify specific courts and correctional institutions that tend to experience malfunctions. This data will allow CPCS to work with the courts to remediate malfunctions.
We ask anyone witnessing a VC malfunction, or issue related to video conferencing, during a client hearing to report the malfunction at .
The instrument is designed to work well on mobile phones, as well as PCs. CPCS will not share user-identifiable information with the Trial Court without permission from the submitter. CPCS asks for user-identifiable information so CPCS may (when necessary) contact the submitter for more clarity on the problems and events reported.
By taking the time to submit the requested reports, you help improve the VC experience for our clients and improve our quality of representation for incarcerated clients.
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