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Boston Center for Independent Living
The organization was created by people with disabilities seeking full integration into society. BCIL accomplishes this by empowering people with disabilities with the practical skills and self-confidence to take control over their lives and become active members of the communities in which they live. At the same time, BCIL works to promote access and change within society and responds with programs and services to the needs of people of all ages with a wide range of disabilities.

Center for Public Representation
The Center seeks to improve the quality of lives of people with mental illness and other disabilities through the systemic enforcement of their legal rights while promoting improvements in services for citizens with disabilities. Based in Massachusetts, with offices in Northampton and Newton, the Center is engaged in activities both in the state and throughout the nation. Through its systemic activities during the past 30 years, the Center has been a major force in promoting improvements in services for citizens with disabilities.
This free index provides information about programs, providers, and services for people with disabilities living in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Clubhouse Coalition
Operating as a clearinghouse of information, a provider of technical assistance, and a coordinator of resources, the MCC provides a forum for strategic planning and action. The MCC helps its member Clubhouses expand rehabilitative opportunities in employment, housing, education, health and mental health care while promoting the leadership of individuals who have disabilities. Membership in the MCC is awarded to MA Club-houses (and their members and staff) once the Clubhouse achieves certification from the International Center for Clubhouse Development (ICCD). The MCC also serves as a model for Clubhouse Coalitions internationally and is overseeing the National Employment Expansion Project. The Project is a multifaceted approach to expanding employ-ment opportunities while raising awareness about mental illness.

Massachusetts Disability Law Center
To provide legal advocacy on disability issues that promote the fundamental rights of all people with disabilities to participate fully and equally in the social and economic life of Massachusetts.

The mission of  is to improve access to justice for low income and disadvantaged persons through innovative use of the Web.  We are working to  connect, support, and educate advocates and the general public. The content of the website is written by people within the legal services community.

Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee
The Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee works to enhance and protect the rights of persons with mental health concerns in key areas most closely related to their ability to live full and independent lives free of discrimination.

National Alliance on Mental Health – Massachusetts Chapter
The mission of NAMI Massachusetts is to improve the quality of life both for people with mental illnesses and for their families.

NAMI – Massachusetts Criminal Justice Diversion Program
The Mass NAMI Criminal Justice Diversion Project (CJDP) was created with the vision of preventing the unnecessary arrest, detention and incarceration of persons living with mental illness. They have produced A Roadmap Through the Criminal Justice System for Persons with Mental Illness and Their Families and is  developing a statewide strategy to make high quality training on mental illness accessible to police departments in all 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts.

National Disability Rights Network
The National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) works to improve the lives of people with disabilities by guarding against abuse; advocating for basic rights; and ensuring accountability in health care, education, employment, housing, transportation, and within the juvenile and criminal justice systems

National Empowerment Center
To carry a message of recovery, empowerment, hope and healing to people with lived experience with mental health issues, trauma, and and/or extreme states.

Nursing Home Care & Elder Law & Services

Quick Reference Guide to Proceedings under Ch 123 01.30.20

First and foremost, RLCs create significant culture change that shifts the focus on symptom management to a focus on promoting recovery, resilience and wellness. RLCs also support consumers to take charge of their own recovery process. Emerging evidence shows that peer services and Peer Specialists speed a person’s recovery, a key component of RLCs.

The Transformation Center
The Transformation Center is a peer-operated center that is spinning off from M-POWER to strengthen a mental health focus on wellness and life recovery through dialogue, education, systems change advocacy, and peer support. We currently offer training for Peer Specialist Certification, Leadership Academy, WRAP Facilitation, Recovery Conversations for Providers and more.