Data Science (Statistics et al.)

The following is a set of statistics links relevant to the work of CPCS. These resources are not maintained by CPCS.

Boston Police website Did you know that this site, like many police web sites,  contains all kinds of crime statistics for greater Boston? This information can be very useful in preparing voir dire motions for potential jurors. Along with yearly and monthly statistical reports, there are special sections on domestic violence and sexual assault. Check out the website at:…ons/crimestats.asp

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Cambridge Crime Stats http://www.camb…ns/annual_2006.cfm

CDC State Injury and Mortality Data site. Center for Disease Control. It is useful to get the %’s of, for ex. The number of homicides by guns. http://www.cdc….ncipc/osp/data.htm

Compare Crime Statistics Using This Site http://www.netf…/compare_crime.htm

Crime statistics tutorial. See: A Bare Bones Guide on how to find stats on crime. Useful for voir dire…sp?Page=crimestats  or  http://www.crim….org/tutorial.html

DEA Statistics Arrests, Seizures, State Fact Sheets http://www.usdo…ea/statistics.html
Massachusetts at http://www.usdo…massachusetts.html

DOJ Sourcebook of Criminal Statisitcs: This is a great resource to get current statistical information, recent Department of Justice publications. I use it to update my voir dire affidavits.http://www.alba…

FBI Uniform Crime Reports

Massachusetts State Police website also contains crime statistics at:

National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is one of the most extensive sources of information on criminal and juvenile justice in the world, providing services to an international community of policymakers and professionals. NCJRS is a collection of clearinghouses supporting all bureaus of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs: the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and      Delinquency Prevention, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the OJP Program Offices. It also supports the Office of National Drug Control Policy.  or . These two sites are the home pages for many government publications.

Organized Crime TM: A Crime Statistics Site

Rape and Sexual Assault: Reporting to Police and Medical Attention, 1992-2000. This BJS release presents information on the consequences of rape and sexual assault for female victims. The study provides the percentages of completed rape, attempted rape, and sexual assault of females that were reported to the police in 1992-2000. (NCJ 194530)http://www.ojp….stract/rsarp00.htm

US Census 2000– gives a lot information the %’s of population. This information can be used in voir dire affidavits and change of venue motions. http://quickfac…/states/25000.html