Training canceled for 6/28/2023. Reschdule date: TBD.
Organized by Deborah Cassell, CAFL Resource Attorney (Barnstable County) – [email protected]
Presented by Jonathan O’Dell, MCDHH
CLE: 2 CAFL; 2 MHLD Trial Panel and MHLD Appeals Panel
In Massachusetts and elsewhere in the United States, access to the courts and legal services by Deaf and hard of hearing individuals remains problematic. This happens for a variety of reasons – insufficient numbers of legal American Sign Language interpreters, Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDI) and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) providers.
Additionally, knowledge related to the provision of appropriate communication access services remains elusive, as does the proper implementation of such services across a wide spectrum of legal and social services.
This presentation by MCDHH will help you to understand what appropriate communication access is; what cultural, communicative, procedural and technical considerations to take into account when working with Deaf and hard of hearing individuals and families, and how MCDHH staff can work with you to ensure positive outcomes for our constituency.
Register here: