We’re Back: Selecting a Jury
We went a while without selecting juries so the training department has come up with a three-part series on jury selection so that as we start up again we can pick a jury better than ever before. The first two parts are remote trainings and are open for registration. The third part will be in person offered in multiple locations – details about part 3 will be forthcoming when we know more about when in person trainings of this nature can happen.
We have limited enrollment due to including small groups so please sign up as soon as you know you can attend and let us know in advance if you need to cancel so that we can fill your spot. It is recommended that you attend both days as day 1 will help inform day 2, but please sign up for them independently. Each session is $10.00.
Attendance at the each day of the program qualifies for 2 CLE on the following panels: Adult Criminal, Criminal Appeals, YAD, YAD Appeals, SDP
DAY TWO – BATSON AND CARTER: STOPPING RACISM AND HOMOPHOBIA – MAR 23, 2022 – 2PM TO 4PM Get a refresher on the law around stopping racism, homophobia, etc. in jury selection and the recent changes and restructuring of the law in this area. Then you and your small group will have time to practice making objections in actual scenarios where this will come up.