Please join us for the second installment of our training series on Parole and Sentencing, brought to you by the Criminal Defense Trainers and the Parole Advocacy Unit.
Once a client is sentenced to a term of incarceration, in most instances an array of out-of-court mechanisms may cause them to be released from the prison or house of correction earlier than that date suggested by the maximum term of their sentence. While none of this relief is ever guaranteed, in many cases “early” release into the community becomes a reality. This training will provide attorneys with an understanding of these mechanisms so that they can evaluate potential sentences and help clients make informed decisions regarding plea offers and potential exposure after trial.
Presenters: Sentencing expert Lee Gartenberg trains judges on this and many other issues. Nicole Ouellette is a criminal defense and parole attorney on rotation with the Parole Advocacy Unit. Benjamin Selman is a Legal Training Attorney with CPCS’s Criminal Defense Trainers.
This program has been approved for 2 CLE on the following panels: Adult Criminal, Criminal Appeals, YAD Trial, YAD Appeals, Mental Health, Parole/Medical Parole