If you have an upcoming jury trial or evidentiary hearing and would like insight into what court may look like, please join our follow-up brown bag on Thursday, July 8 from 1-2p. You will hear from four attorneys who have had jury trials or evidentiary hearings in the past two months. They will be sharing a little bit about their experiences and give tips on how to ensure our clients rights’ are protected. Here is the zoom link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvc-qoqDIqEtZfl2OVOFKzuMPkwwjK6EhR
The July 8th program qualifies for 1 CLE on the following CPCS panels: Adult Criminal, other panels TBD
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions – llaliemthavisay@localhost/cpcs