To request assistance please fill out the form below. Providing your docket number and current contact information is very helpful. If you do not have your docket number, please indicate in which court you were convicted. If possible, please indicate in the Concerns/Notes section if you or the person you are requesting information on behalf of is currently incarcerated, is facing deportation or removal as a result of a Massachusetts drug case, or is serving a federal sentence or facing a federal or state charge where a Massachusetts drug case is being used as a sentencing enhancement.
Please be aware that a response may take a few weeks, depending on the number of inquiries we receive. If you would rather leave a phone message with this information, please call 1-888-999-2881.
Refunds of Fines and Fees: Please note that if you have a question about the class action lawsuit for return of fines and fees, CPCS cannot answer those questions. If your case was vacated prior to May 2020 and you have questions about fines and fees you paid, please visit or call 1-833-630-1415. If you submit an inquiry about the class action lawsuit to us we will not respond as we cannot help you.
If your case was vacated after May 2020, a form Motion for Refund After Invalidated Conviction can be found at