Laura Chrismer Edmonds, Esq., Staff Attorney – Juvenile Appeals
Springfield YAD Office
101 State Street, Suite 210
Springfield, MA 01103
(413) 355-5208 (p)
(413) 733-2048 (f)
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Laura joined the Juvenile Appellate practice of YAD in January of 2019. For almost two decades, Laura was in private practice in Western Massachusetts, representing YAD clients in delinquency and youthful offender cases at the trial level and on appeal. She was also a member of the SORB/SDP and adult post-conviction appellate panels, and served as the juvenile supervising attorney for Hampshire County and as a GCL mentor.
Laura is perhaps best known as appellate counsel in Samuel S., where she persuaded the SJC to rule in favor of our clients on not one but two major issues. In 2018, Laura was trial and appellate counsel in Newton N., which clarified the scope of a judge’s discretion regarding Humberto H. motions. In 2017 Laura was honored with the Jay Blitzman Award for Youth Advocacy in recognition of her zealous advocacy on behalf of YAD’s clients. She is a graduate of Smith College and Western New England University, School of Law (Magna Cum Laude). Prior to entering private practice, Laura clerked for Hon. Michael A. Ponsor in the U.S. District Court for two years.