La Mer Kyle-Griffiths, Esq., Staff Attorney

Roxbury YAD Office
7 Palmer Street, Suite 302
Roxbury, MA 02119
617.445.7581 (p)
617.445.7587 (f)
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La Mer joined YAD in 2013.  Before that time she was an attorney with the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy (DPA) for 13 years.  With DPA, she worked with both juveniles and adults in several offices across the state including the Capital Trial Branch; she also supervised the Juvenile Post-Disposition Unit as well as a rural trial office.  She has trained for several years in areas of substantive law, juvenile practice and trial skills.  She graduated from he University of Dayton School of Law and the University of Kentucky with a B.A. in Sociology.  La Mer speaks Spanish and is starting down the long road of attempting to learn Haitian Creole.