Bryna G. Williams, Esq., EdLaw Attorney
YAD Administration Office
44 Bromfield Street, 2nd Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
617.910.5725 (p)
617.988.8492 (f)
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Bryna joined The EdLaw Project in August, 2006. During her tenure, she has gained broad experience with representing students in the areas of school discipline, special education rights, and access to school. As the Senior Staff Attorney, she is primarily responsible for consulting with and supporting attorneys working in the juvenile courts to effectively advocate for their clients in schools, for representing court-involved clients in complicated education matters, and for developing and leading trainings about education rights to present to attorneys, community groups, and child advocates throughout the commonwealth. She regularly attends community meetings and forums focused on public education and services for marginalized students. During law school, she gained valuable experience in client advocacy through internships with the Public Guardian of Cook County in Chicago and the Citizen Advocacy Center in Elmhurst, Illinois, and as a student clinician at the Loyola Civitas ChildLaw Clinic. Additionally, she served as the managing editor of the Children’s Legal Rights Journal, as the president of her law school’s Public Interest Law Society and, as a volunteer teaching students about their legal rights in the Chicago Public Schools and at the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center. She earned her A.B. from Washington University in St. Louis in 1998 and her J.D. from Loyola University Chicago School of Law in 2005.