Congratulations to the Essex County Bar Association Advocates – Updated


David Hallinan receiving the American Bar Association’s Harrison Tweed Award

The following article on the Essex County Bar Advocate Program being named this year’s recipient of the American Bar Association’s Harrison Tweed Award appeared in The Salem News on June 28, 2017:

CPCS sent the following press release to Lawyers Weekly and the Essex County media outlets:

The Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS) congratulates the Essex County Bar Association Advocates (ECBAA) led by Attorney David Hallinan in being named the 2017 recipient of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Harrison Tweed Award.

This prestigious award recognizes the extraordinary achievements of state and local bar associations that develop or significantly expand projects or programs to increase access to civil legal services for persons living in poverty or criminal defense services for indigents.  In collaboration with CPCS, the ECBAA has been providing criminal and delinquency defense representation to indigent people in all courts in Essex County, and it has been doing so at a level of excellence that makes its program a model for Massachusetts and the nation.

“CPCS works with a number of truly outstanding local bar advocate programs, but only the ECBAA has Atty. David Hallinan at its helm.  For over 28 years, Atty. Hallinan has worked diligently, giving his all to ECBAA and guiding its roughly 200 private attorneys,” said CPCS Chief Counsel Anthony Benedetti.  He added, “The ECBAA deserves the Harrison Tweed Award for the excellent representation its attorneys deliver to their indigent clients and the exceptional training, encouragement, and inspiration they receive from the program.”

CPCS Deputy Chief Counsel Nancy Bennett added, “David Hallinan, Deborah Pollock, and all the lawyers of ECBAA do outstanding work every day to deliver equal justice to the residents of Essex County.  They richly deserve this award!”

The award is conferred by the ABA Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants and the National Legal Aid and Defenders Association.  It will be presented to the ECBAA at the annual meeting of the American Bar Association in August 2017.

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