Staff in CAFL’s Family Justice Advocates (FJA) represent children and indigent parents in state intervention/family regulation cases in the Worcester County Juvenile Courts and Probate and Family Courts. FJA – located in Worcester– is part of CAFL’s “conflicts” trial office. It has separate physical offices, management, computer systems, and other mechanisms in place to ensure its independence and separation from all other CPCS offices for conflict-of-interest purposes. Family Justice Advocates was established in 2022 in Springfield, Massachusetts and the office expanded to Worcester County in 2024. Family Justice Advocates provides client-focused representation to parents and children in child welfare family intervention cases throughout the county. Worcester is New England’s second-largest city (with just over 200,000 people). Located in central Massachusetts, Worcester is home to eight colleges and universities, a world-class art museum, restaurants, music venues, and a diverse culture.
Family Justice Advocates (CAFL Conflict Office)
370 Main Street, Suite 1035
Worcester, MA 01608
Office: 508-257-1198
Fax: 508-484-5823
Attorney in Charge
Corine Claxton
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Staff Attorneys
Alysa DiFruscia
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Jagruti Seemungal
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Julia Palmerino
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Myraida Claros
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Patrick Sadlon
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Social Workers
Jennifer Fortin
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Administrative Assistant
Sam Deroche
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Our Courts:
Worcester Juvenile Court
Dudley Juvenile Court
Fitchburg Juvenile Court
Milford Juvenile Court
Leominster Juvenile Court (now held in Fitchburg)